
Monday, 9 January 2012

Tim Horton's EGG WHITE ENGLISH MUFFIN is a winner!

I was up this morning shortly after 4am on way out the door for a realign at a Wal-Mart. We were setting up a new-look commercial bread wall; which will drive increased sales. That's the good news.....

Bad news is that I had nothing for breakfast as I left the house. By 8am I was ready for something to eat and a coffee. In the past in this situation I would have gone to McDonald's for a sausage and egg-mcmuffin combo. This time I chose Tim Horton's to try Timmy's brand new egg-white breakfast english muffin. It was awesome....not for the weight-loss new years resolution crowd.

McDonald's watch out as the NEW Tim Horton's breakfast english muffin is better! Plain and simple....I said it...better!



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