As sales people we are happy to be accessible at all times. In fact success in our job usually demands we are accessible. The problem for most of us is we never turn off our accessibility. The customers are replaced with friends and family on the weekends. Not to mention driving kids to soccer or hockey games over the weekend.
For most busy sales professionals our personal time is so valuable that we try to cram as many ‘fun-filled’ activities into this precious time; we seldom give our selves the chance to fully relax.
Without noticing sales people allow our work activities to spill over into our weekend time and before we know it we are back at work trying to solve another pressing issue for a demanding customer.
What sales people need to do is provide themselves with a break from weekly everyday activities in order to allow your mind to relax and refresh.
Now I love selling and I think it is the best career in the world and I realize that when you have things to do on the weekend you can’t just sit around. I understand; but try to use the following tips to allow your mind to change gears and enjoy your personal and work more.
Doing so will actually let your refreshed mind work more efficiently during selling hours and you will become more productive.
Try these suggestions.
- During your sales week you drive constantly from customer to customer. On the weekends try walking to the local store. You will be surprised at how much larger the world seems when you are walking. As sales reps our job requires us to travel extensively which can provide a one-sided view of the world. By taking a walk you allow your mind a chance to take in your surroundings. Walking not an option? Try being the passenger. Once again your brain will be stimulated because this in not a position you are very familiar with.
- You constantly check the time to make scheduled appointments. On the weekend ditch the watch. Not having a watch to constantly check will relieve you of a sense of urgency, and will stop you from constantly thinking ahead.
- Your office and selling environment is filled with noise. When you get into the car don’t reach for the stereo. Allow your mind some down time. On the weekends try to spend some time reading or sitting without background noise.
- Your cell phone is always ringing during your day. Turn your ringer to vibrat during the weekends. You don’t need to be on call for every email or text in your personal time. By turning your ringer to vibrate during your time, it will allow you to pay full attention to what you are doing or not doing.
- You are always in your office, car, or customer’s office. Spend some time outside. Breathe in the fresh air. This is a great time to play with kids, walk the dog and relax.
- Your company has a high stress sales environment. The sales jobs that require the most out of you are usually some of the best paying jobs. These highly competitive and stressful jobs need to be balanced with non-competitive activities. Stay away from spending your personal time tormenting yourself with why you can’t break 80 on the golf course. You already have a competitive outlet at work; try to do something just because you enjoy it.
Great advice, Andrew. My dad is in software sales, and you have pretty much described his entire professional life- very busy, and always working on the weekend. I am glad to see the life of a salesman can have some balance.