Book: Death by Meeting
Author: Patrick Lencioni
Key Issue: Most meetings are horibly boring and unproductive. Ask team what they prefer Movie vs. Meetings?
A movie is passive with no real needed as a result. Meetings can be interactive and shape all actions following the meeting. A meeting should be more interesting and interactive than a movie.
Solution: Meetings must contain conflict and drama.
Context and structure must be laid out with meeting schedules.
Meeting Types 1-4:
#1 Daily Check IN = 5 min
Objective: Share daily schedules and activities
#2 Weekly Tactical = 45-90 min
Objective: Review weekly activities and metrics, and resolve tacticle obstacles and issues.
#3 Monthly Strategic (Ad Hoc Strategic) = 2-4 hours
Objective: Discuss analyze, brainstorm upon critical issues affecting long term success.
#4 Quarterly Offsite Review = 1-2 days
Objective: Review strategy, industry trends, competitive landscape, key personnel, team development.
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